Our ultimate goal is to promote a culture of transparency, trust, integrity and to carry out our activity in an ethical environment that respects regulations and our internal procedures. You can consult the Ethics Charter here.

If you have a question on the Ethics Charter, please contact compliance@lefebvre-sarrut.eu.

Do you have an Alert?

Lefebvre Sarrut’s Whistle-blower Platform is a solution through which risks, negligence, suspected irregular conduct and regulatory breaches can be reported.

You are aware of a serious violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, human health and safety, or the environment; an act of fraud or corruption; a breach of ethics; a conflict of interest; of the above Ethics Charter or any other violation of laws and regulations:
Send your complaint to one of Lefebvre Sarrut’s Ethics Platforms below.

All complaints will be processed and, where appropriate preventive, corrective actions will be taken. If necessary, charges will be pressed.

The principles that apply to the processing of the complaints are:

  • Guarantee of confidentiality and protection of the whistle-blower
  • Guarantee of confidentiality of the submitted documents
  • An admissibility study, an exhaustive investigation if applicable and resolution

Lefebvre Sarrut Ethics Platforms

Whistle-blower Procedure per Country

The Groupe Lefebvre Sarrut platform enables anyone to report claim concerning any of its companies.

  • France: Ethical platforms are organised by company, and the links are as follows:


  • Germany: You can use the Group platform to report your claim.